Solagraphic Ink
on January 17, 2020
Finished this work. I recently lost one of my best friends since grade school, it was a very unexpected death, on top of a breakup from a few months prior, and so the expression is reflective, how the pain of life can sometimes do you in like that, but the older i get, the more I realize, even through the pain, how valuable life actually is...
Dimension: 1200 x 1600
File Size: 330.36 Kb
14 people like this.
Wow! Amazing! To have your talent! Very cool. Sorry for your loss and the story behind your artwork... but I’m blown away by how reflective it is!
Like January 17, 2020
Solagraphic Ink
I guess if we wanted to live a deep life, we would have to experience both ends of the spectrum, one of which, not so fun, but serves to teach us more about the overall experience and remind us to appreciate the good parts of it
Like January 17, 2020
Animal Energy
Really powerful work. Impressive
Like January 17, 2020