Falicia Keys
on January 5, 2020
Hey yall ???????? hope youre having a great day! I was just wondering, how many of us in here are lightworkers or starseeds? Let me know how you guys are feeling during this 2020 transformation :)
Im a starseed huge empath and feel the energy of mother earth heavy right now and my head is filled with pressure and so many ideas and thoughts are coming to me ????????
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Aunty Shroom
My star seed is arcturian and i can sense the tension in the air that you speak of. It seems almost as if something major in the cosmos is about to occur and we have no clue. Maybe a change is coming but it seems that since the new year has come it seems like theres a fog around us all
Like January 5, 2020
Hey Falicia, I am not near the level of either, but identify more with starseed, as I have begun to feel less bound to whats going on here on Earth. I am sure we will meet many amazing lightworkers and starseeds through our interactions here. Please let me know if you run into anyone with these powe... View More
Like January 6, 2020