on October 26, 2019
So after doing a 2nd pull on a batch yesterday I Forgot to wash off my mixing spoon and i stuck the spoon in a mason jar. When i came to my shop just now i noticed the spoon like this. The last thing I mixed was the soup and naptha. Anyone knows what it is? Don't wanna smoke it without knowing what it is. Haha..
Dimension: 2560 x 1440
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I've read not to use aluminium once you've added the lye as it breaks down
Like October 30, 2019
I scrapped it but haven't had the balls to smoke it yet.
Like October 30, 2019
I was using stainless steel and wood. From what i read those are ok.
Like October 30, 2019 Edited
Then it'll be good to smoke 1f609.png
Like October 31, 2019