on October 6, 2019
Trip report- salmon float fishing on 150micrograms LSD. Dropped the lsd on the way to the river. The sunrise was coming up and the lsd was starting to work. It was absolutely beautiful. The wildlife started becoming more noticable. There was one seagull who splashed very close to me and remained there. I felt his vibes and he seemed to notice mine. I threw it some salmon eggs and it ate it. The rest of the trip this same seagull stayed tight and flew over head sereval times. I started to see very close as i normally do on lsd. I could see the close details of the birds face. I could see down into the water and noticed the smaller minnows. The colors started popping out more. The leaves are starting to turn the fall orange yellow and red. The trees all started breathing and slightly swaying back and forth. The air smelled of fresh water combined with green marsh. A big smile appeared on my face. I was digging this shit. ???? The fishing gods were on my side. I caught 5 fish and the other guys caught nothing. They all kept asking me what i was doing different. When i take LSD and go out in nature i tend to vibe with all the wildlife more. When im fishing i can sense the flow of things. Pretty neat. I noticed my cast and drifts are extremely on point. Everything felt so easy. What a beautiful site it was when my float got sucked under water when the fish bit. It literally seemed like it exploded straight down. Once the float was down i set the hook. Each fish fought differently. One was was a jumper, it just kept jumping. The other almost peeling off all my line. One came in with no effert. Everything was high definition. I started having these thoughts about the amazing life and death of a salmon. How they are born and then return to die in the same exact spot they were born. Sometimes traveling hundreds of miles on that journey. The entire fishing trip seemed like it lasted only a few hours but lasted 8. On the way home the sun was setting and was a firey-orangish red with deep purple. The intensity of the trip was now slowing. Set and setting as they say. The setting was great and my mindset going in was positive. I also think the dose size was perfect. Has anyone else enjoyed both lsd and something in nature?
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