on October 5, 2019
Tyler_Durden666 hey man so this is what it looks like currently. 5 days since the first popped up. I mist enough to keep dew on the side but thats about it.
Categories: Mushrooms
Dimension: 3024 x 4032
File Size: 10.33 Mb
3 people like this.
I still have some visible tiny beads on the surface so i havent messed with anything yet. I also read it will crack and bruise blue if dehydrated, which im not seeing.
Like October 5, 2019
Thanks brother i really do appreciate the support you guys are awesome and im learning a lot along the way. Like recognizing the hyphal knots.
Like October 5, 2019
Several more pins popped this morning what a lovely surprise!
Like October 6, 2019
Much love to everyone that has offered advice! @Fernweh thanks for the share that is much better than what i use now. Gonna pick one up!
Like October 6, 2019