on October 2, 2019
My first batch of N,N-Dimethyltryptamine
Used GordoTek
I made a lightbulb vaporizer...1st puff i could feel it almost immediately... 2nd toke got me going...i even forgot how to use a lighter! I was holding it in my hand thinking wtf is this thing?! The 3rd hit really blew my hair back...i laid down and closed my eyes. I saw all kinds of weird colors and shapes rotating and plain as day i watched soap suds run down a window until it cleared and soon as it cleared i was back to normal. Very weird. I need to make a bigger vaporizer so i can really blast off.
Dimension: 4032 x 3024
File Size: 3.37 Mb
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Me and my freind have been trying the gordo tek for awhile but every naptha pull we did no crystals. The closest we got was with our 3rd try i think but the crystals ended up melting Cuz my freind took it out the freezer to soon. Any tips or suggestions for our next bacification and pull for better ... View More
Like October 3, 2019
I really wanna get my hands on some dmt but i dont wanna waste to much bark and the last thing i wanna have to do is buy some off some kook.
Like October 3, 2019
@DMTparadis I followed the tek exactly. I put 100g of hot ass naptha in the hot bark mixture and just kept working it in and mixing it for 10 or 15 minutes. I filtered the naptha then poured into the glass dish. I jacked the freezer as high as it would go and left it in there overnight. I peeked af... View More
Like October 3, 2019
Gordo tek dream maker is the ticket on a budget. It kicks like a mule and you get to see it happen before it happens. Plus the jar is so beautiful to look at when the third hit comes on.
Like October 3, 2019