on October 1, 2019
I thought this tub was going to be a let down....looks like things are turning around
Dimension: 1200 x 900
File Size: 129.32 Kb
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I think its a wast of time and dirt when I spown my tubs I just put a nice layer of dirt on top to make sure I don't see any berrys and I spray 3% peroxide and I think the wax paper Tech or a bubble wrap Tech or even no casing layer would be better
Like October 1, 2019 Edited
Newb here for sure, however, i have never cased anything. I saw others saying it was a waste.
Like October 1, 2019
For cubes its often a waste to case. Some other species are a lot more picky though.
Like October 1, 2019
Thanks man this that wet tub
Like October 1, 2019