on September 22, 2019
Made Acetate by doing a full free base extraction, then converting it back to acetate with a little vinegar. Have yet to partake.
Dimension: 962 x 924
File Size: 101.62 Kb
3 people like this.
Its the salt form, more stable (for long term storage) and better for making capsules (with maoi) to get a cleaner ayahuasca trip.
Like September 22, 2019
Not really. Just add a little vinegar (acetic acid) to some freebased dmt. Get about ph4 should most convert back to acetate form. The first part of an A/B extraction does (ayahuasca) but also brings plant fats, oils, etc. Aya is dmt in its salt form along with a bunch of other impurities. When ful... View More
Like September 22, 2019
The "more stable for long term storage" part is interesting to me. Im sure Ill have my little hoard for a good long while and I want it to stay fresh.
Like September 22, 2019