Scarlett N
on September 5, 2019
Dance Safe is selling these gorgeous drug info cards - both pretty and informative!
Here is the link:
You can save them on your computer if you don't want to buy them but still want quick access to them. :)
Dimension: 974 x 1368
File Size: 2.13 Mb
44 people like this.
Juliet Delta
I have a bunch of these, the harm reduction group my girlfriend helps organize hands the out, so weve got all of them laying around the house. From inhalants, to nitrous to peyote to mephedrone
Like September 6, 2019
Just ordered my set
Like September 6, 2019
Spyorg Plaird Yppah
Trex let us see them please
Like September 7, 2019
T rex ophora
I made a post on here where i shared some pictures of them.
Like September 7, 2019