on August 30, 2019
Just harvested the very first ones that broke veil. (21g) First grow ever! South African Transkei. Down the hatch!!!
Dimension: 3264 x 2448
File Size: 3.07 Mb
8 people like this.
Enjoy my man nothing like seenin the fruits off ur labor
Like August 30, 2019
Thanks yall! Enjoying the ride! Trying to upload a video of my setup. Should be easier than im making it, lmao.
Like August 30, 2019
I woukd have waited a lil longer brother. Mush love keep them popin!
Like August 30, 2019
Zrob98 are you talking about letting the cap open up more? When I harvested the rest of the tub this morning most all had opened and broke the veil. Overall including the ones i harvested first as seen in this post i got 252 fresh g's. So 231 gs are drying out now which should be 20-25 gs dry. Im co... View More
Like August 30, 2019