Some more MegaNatalensis. 2nd flush; very dense looking fruits. The one in Photo 4 weighed 58 grams. Photo 3 showing a 6 quart shoebox tote with a better view of the short-wide fruits. A little while back I posted about attempting to clone a larger fruit I had in the first flush. Photo 2 shows my transfer from agar to grain is looking good. All 5 transfers I made are looking healthy. I also decided to attempt to use a spore print I made from the first flush. I've used spore prints and swabs from other people but not my own. Basically, I wanted to complete the life cycle all on my own. Photo 1 shows some germination action, and after only 4 days. I went WAY heavy and made 4 quart jars using an entire spore syringe, and 4 quart jars using a half a spore syringe. My logic is this; I notice that when my jars colonize, I'm having more issues with under hydration vs over hydration. It's mainly due to me using wild bird seed, which has a decent amount of cracked corn, which I notice dries out quickly. Also, the fact that I'm adding so much liquid can cause pooling, so I also shook the jars after I inoculated. There's no pooling water, so I think my method worked. Will share if there is any noticeable difference in using a full syringe vs half a syringe. The next thing I want to learn is making my own liquid culture. Not photographed is a jar of LC that I'm also attempting to make myself the first time, but it's too early to notice anything yet.
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I should add; when I purchased this strain, it was called MegaNatalensis. Since then, they've changed the taxonomic name, so maybe I should be calling it "the strain formerly known as MegaNatalensis". Anyone know what the proper name would be?
February 9, 2025
Very well done.
February 9, 2025
Yes natalensis has been rediscribed as p.ochraceocentrata so they are megaochras!
February 10, 2025