on August 18, 2024
Back at it. And no I didn't burn through my first extraction already. I'm making more so I can help people out. I have a couple friends with very limited resources who need some healing medicine. I am providing this service free of charge. Well they already paid in advance with their loyalty and friendship.
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Thought about doing dmt Force Spiritual reasons. But Unfortunately I don't know how to find any
Like August 20, 2024
I do that alot or I have people buy the material and I show them how to process it on there own. Gotta spread the love lol
Like August 20, 2024
It would be cool to teach a class of students , adults of course, and at the end of the process everyone could go home with their own little baggie of stuff. I'd say teach the course through the learning annex, but then I'd be dating myself!
Like August 21, 2024 Edited
Lol yeah it would be a very cool experience. Take a whole weekend and do the damn Thang and everyone maybe have an experience together but on their own product. I love this idea! I'm all in. Let's make it happen lol
Like August 22, 2024