on July 27, 2024
Well what do u guys think? Result of first attempt
Dimension: 898 x 1197
File Size: 97.62 Kb
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Thanks bro. I was looking into the heptane wash too. It cleans it anyway so I'm gonna hit it with the heptane then blast off. Gotta get a scale tho so I know how much to put in. What did u smoke out of?
Like July 27, 2024
Bong, or concentrate vape, meth/crack pipe, vapourize with a torch and a dab rig i hear that is best. I prefer torch and dab rig, or a vapour genie which is expensive vape for concentrates but with method i showed you the bong will work. Dont touch flame to substance. Vape it from flaming above s... View More
Like July 27, 2024 Edited
They have small meth pipe water bongs at the gas station. Thought about getting one
Like July 27, 2024
It does look good I wouldn't clean it with anything you might lose some of your yields if you clean it because you will be stripping out the plant alkaloids and they're a psychoactive property and aid to the experience so I keep them in but that's completely what you want to do.
Like July 27, 2024