on July 26, 2024
I have these san pedro that are a couple weeks old, can i still use them and if so whats the best method to prepare them? Any and all help would be appreciated! Also i’m new to here so hello to everyone
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File Size: 228.37 Kb
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Lucky charms
Welcome fellow pach lover Looks good to go if you pop them in the freezer for several hrs it makes it easier to pull off the Protective skin and spines before Processing the rest of it.
Like July 27, 2024
Matrix Breaker
Where I'm from people literally buy these off eBay...
Like July 27, 2024
I cut these off about a month ago, and theyve been sitting outside on a shelf exposed to the elements. Is there a certain window of time before they go bad? Also is there another method to process them besides boiling or is that the most recommended way of doing it?
Like July 27, 2024
Simmer. Don't boil.
Like August 9, 2024