on July 26, 2024
Dimension: 898 x 1197
File Size: 163.02 Kb
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Superb work! ✌️
Like July 26, 2024 Edited
Idk it came out kinda soft. I tried some last night and I think it's dirty. It made my heart start racing and I saw some shapes when I clos2d my eyes but not much. Maybe I didn't do enough or may e it's not that good.
Like July 26, 2024
I have another pull left. I'm gonna get a better sealed pan to freeze it in and I'm gonna evaporate some of the naptha off
Like July 26, 2024
Let it dry with a fan blowing, it doesnt look "Dirty" it looks exactly like the color i like to smoke, canary yellow.....good job at making magic!.
Like July 26, 2024