on April 25, 2024
Just a little photo drop! Remember the popcorn jars I told all of you about? I decided to give them a chance and let them incubate in a box I had and wow! These look good for shoeboxes! Did a shake and break of course! I’m also looking into giving bags a try since I only use mason jars for making spawn to eliminate any waste. Any bag I make will only be for growing fruits so I can justify tossing them out. Love how space friendly they are and the local mycology community out here in SD love using bags for ease of space. For me I will always be a tubs man but I’m open to playing around with anything! Sorry if I haven’t been as active, I’m taking one day at a time now and letting God lead me through these hard times. Not stopping on projects or my spiritual development, just need to have faith like Job during these hard times. Thanks brother Joey Green for suggesting me to read that! It truly helped.
Dimension: 1200 x 1600
File Size: 134.68 Kb
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