on December 28, 2023
Shakti monster, the tub this specimen came from looked disappointing at first but then this thing appeared, what a beauty! Have a wonderful day and Much Love!
Dimension: 900 x 1200
File Size: 127.54 Kb
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the disappointing tubs end up leaving a bunch of surprises! Even if it is just one fruit it tends to be a beauty!
Like December 28, 2023
Haha yeah so true, i was already thinking about throwing it out but then i noticed this healthy looking pin which grew out to be this beast! The most heavy fruit i ever grew, was so stoked when i dropped it on a scale 1f601.png
Like December 29, 2023
Seeing these genetics a lot. Seems like they would be fun to work with. Nice work. Mush Love
Like December 29, 2023
Thanks , its a real fun one to grow, there are lots of phenotypes hidden within these genes. The experience is said to be powerful but with a gentle nature anyway and so far i can agree with that. Mush Love!
Like December 30, 2023