on October 22, 2023
Blessed with bountiful harvests. Humbly I am eternally grateful for the sacrifices that have been made for me and mine to be where we are today. Waste not want not. One love.
All you outdoorsmen going afield please be careful out there. Treestands are a vital tool of ours, but they can be lethal if you don't stay vigilant with inspection of your kit... Tie off. I can't tell you how many naps I've taken 25+ feet in the air in my years of hunting.
Dimension: 898 x 1197
File Size: 225.11 Kb
27 people like this.
Define ending, please.
Like November 20, 2023
Josey,... beautiful
Like November 21, 2023
BTW I used a similar self climber for years, is it a summit or gorilla
Like November 21, 2023 Edited
Nuntasho That's a summit. I've hunted from a summit climber for 20 years now. They're pretty damn safe, aslong as you don't get crazy with them. I have a healthy respect for heights but I'm not afraid to climb 25 or 30 feet regularly. I use an open front bowhunting stand for archery season and I us... View More
Like November 21, 2023