on August 8, 2023
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17 people like this.
I like him too. Are you saying the CL memes about eating ass don't hit the spot for you?
Like August 15, 2023
I like our dude alot... his name is pretty humble but still indicative of his intentions and aspirations. But yes I read this meme and laughed my ass off at how well put, but simple this was. It's spot on. You've really gotta be pretty broken to blindly follow and more importantly at what do... View More
Like August 16, 2023
Hahaha, it’s hard thing to maintain integrity when accepting money for teaching spiritual practices. So hard for me I’ve chosen for that work not to ge my bread and butter, still I hope to feel honest enough to make my offerings my main income again soon. Till then I’ll only be a self proclaimed ... View More
Like August 24, 2023
as far a I know in most shamanic cultures shamans are given the title from their community on merit. Self proclamation seems like a very western thing!
Like August 24, 2023