on June 3, 2023
These shoeboxes have been in fruiting conditions for over a week now and i'm getting no results. Some started discoloring after spreaying too much distilled water on them. Are they contaminated? Should I just be more patient? Any comments are welcome. they are a collection of APE, PE, AND GT
Dimension: 1196 x 897
File Size: 184.73 Kb
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the ones with yellow could be fighting a little bit of funk off. but just give them time. what is the temp in the room?
Like June 4, 2023
Stays around 70.
Like June 4, 2023
APE and PE both grow slower than most substrains of cubensis so keep that in mind. My guess is the GT will grow first if they are not Tammed
Like June 5, 2023
Looks like your APEs are growing best though lol
Like June 5, 2023