on April 28, 2023
This is how your own body makes tryptophan into tryptamine and then into endogenous DMT. Why do you think it is endogenous? What function does DMT have as a naturally occurring neurotransmitter in mammals? I'm curious to hear your theories.
I think it's function is to kind of help our brain to "hallucinate" our baseline reality from the sensory input we receive from the environment. The normally low level of DMT like a filter that helps our minds process and weed out all the sensory input that we don't need for survival (ghosts, aliens, entities, parallel timelines, etc...).
I've heard that our minds "filter out" well over 90% of the input our senses gather. I think that the level of endogenous DMT is a kind of regulation system. Essentially, the more DMT we have in our bodies, the more of the sensory input we receive.
It relates to the concept of umlaut. Normally our umlaut is tuned into the optimal level for surviving and functioning, but by taking more DMT we can expand our umlaut and perceive more of the sensory input that is normally filtered out. I hope that makes sense.
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I have thought this theory before too. I always get tripped up with the function of DMT. If it’s function is to help us ignore data we don’t need to survive than you would expect too much DMT to to cause an increase in ignored data, and too little DMT would cause our brains to allow more data throug... View More
Like April 28, 2023 Edited
I believe it’s a stress mechanism, a last attempt to keep you alive and brain damaged free
Like April 28, 2023
Adam bradfield, very interesting! I read a while back about research being done using dmt post stroke to preserve mylenation of nerves to prevent brain damage.
Like April 28, 2023
I believe its just misunderstood all together and those weird moments like deja Vu are a explanation for it same as intuition, I also believe it has a lot to do with our dreamscape and how our body functions during sleep cycle, and I've got a long standing theory that it is responsible for why child... View More
Like April 28, 2023