I'm interested in trying DMT in the future either via a vape or a crackpipe, but have only broken through once on Shrooms so would it be safer to breakthrough on Shrooms a few more times to get used to ego death before I try DMT? From others' trip reports I gather it can be incredibly overwhelming and I fear it could send me to some hellish place.
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Fever dream
I did dmt before tried mushrooms I don’t think anything could have prepared me for the dmt trip. Not even the mushies.
January 2, 2023

There's no preparing for it or getting used to it really. You gotta use a little courage every time
January 2, 2023

To surrender is key...
I'm just bad at it tho lol
January 2, 2023

Do not go with a open mind!!!! I've done so and got rewarded with shit that almost through me for a loop I didn't wanna come back from if anything I say go with good intentions and more so a clear mind have some soothing relaxing music on or as I was recommended tool pneuma is a phenomenal one to bl... View More
January 2, 2023