Matt Gon
on July 24, 2019
Do these PE's look ok? Just got them from the same friend i spoke about earlier. Should i pick the few kernels i found lol theyve never came with an actual kernel still stuck in the bottom. These are pretty dry this time also.
Dimension: 4160 x 3120
File Size: 4.12 Mb
4 people like this.
The look moist to me still, are the brittle?
Like July 24, 2019
Matt Gon
Not really the caps are pretty cracker dry i found like 3 stems that were dry but not cracker
Like July 24, 2019
Tell your buddy to get a 35$ food dehydrator from Walmart. It'll solve all these issues
Like July 24, 2019
Matt Gon
Ok awesome. Youve been extremely helpful to me. Thank you.
Like July 24, 2019 Edited