Paul Mai
on August 1, 2022
Hey there :D
I’m growing some mushrooms, but they don’t look healthy…. Do you know, if I can safe them or does it looks like they aren’t consumable anymore
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@genghis I don’t know, never tried it
Like August 2, 2022
I know peroxide will kill surface. I'm just thinking maybe it can kill all the surface crap and the mycelium underneath will just be effected on top but the bottom is still good. Might take a while for a flush but maybe come back stronger.
Like August 2, 2022
The cake looks as if it's standing in actual water and doesn't look healthy at all. It may be best to just start all the way over from scratch and improve the growing environment
Like August 2, 2022
Paul Mai
Thank you all guys1f600.png
Like August 2, 2022