on July 12, 2022
Man this is a 3rd flush and I was curious if I want to clone the big one and go to agar what’s is the best method
Dimension: 674 x 900
File Size: 158.92 Kb
8 people like this.
This flush are the biggest and best looking strongest I’ve had
Like July 12, 2022
Which is wild that’s with blue meanies and ksss
Like July 12, 2022
Is that possible that conditions changed getting better for the grow and the dna of the mushroom changed between flushes
Like July 12, 2022
Here is some advice from me. In a sterile environment split the Mushroom you want to clone from the bottom for clean access to inside tissue. You would then gently cut a piece of tissue and use a pair of alcohol wiped sterile tweezers and gently pull off the tissue and drop it onto your Agar plate. ... View More
Like July 13, 2022 Edited