on May 29, 2022
This is insane. Police stand outside for an hour detaining and tasing parents that try to save their children while more children and personel are fired on by this lunatic. See the attached images taken from the video footage or view the footage here in the link below.
People keep saying that these officers were scared to go in and that they only had pistols against the 18 YO shooters AR-15. These are not true ststements. If the officers we afraid, why were they detaining parents? Could it be that they were ordered to stand down, so that maximum damage could be done and gun control issues could be raised once more and sensationalize the tragic deaths of those unfortunate innocent lives? You decide.
This is very sad and makes me seriously consider homeschooling as my only option in Texas.
Videobis Jimmy Dore. He doesnt Ask the questions i am asking, or even alude to them, but if you wanna know what I'm talking about, he covers the story reading from other news outlets and a video Q&A with the commander i think or cheif of police.
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File Size: 32.47 Kb
6 people like this.
and i generally agree with your post... very well formulated and calmly written. cheers man
Like May 30, 2022
Joey Green
Oppps ..... someone needs to fix that hair trigger send button! Lol Last line should read "and face this fact" Im not looking to lay blame, condemn nor shame ..... Just pointing out the problem and I certainly have no solutions. ... View More
Like June 21, 2022 Edited
Joey Green
Peyoceps my apologies man ..... Ive been super busy last few weeks, haven't had any free time and missed your reply. Its folks like yourself that give me hope. I may disagree slightly, but your delivery my friend is flawless. I would rather spend time in a room with folks whom disagree with me com... View More
Like June 21, 2022
Joey Green
As luck often allows coincidence..... this gem was just dropped on me. I could never hope to explain this dirty lil social secret as elegantly by minimizing the causation of indignation as well as this conversation between Dr Peterson and Dr Ferrell Highly recommended viewing for anyone. ... View More
Like June 21, 2022