on May 6, 2022
Look at how healthy Hamilton's cacti are! Make sure you buy his $70 pots so your cacti can look just like his!
Dimension: 723 x 1085
File Size: 65.46 Kb
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He didn't get rejected from the ceremony, and he is always respectful of cultures and traditions
Like May 11, 2022
Gojo yes he did. He tells hamilton to blow the snuff out immediately because "we're done here" did you even watch the video?
Like May 11, 2022
i feel ya, disrespectful for sure. I wasnt happy at episode when i first saw it either. Charlatans are everywhere, he just happens to be a famous one.
Like May 13, 2022
Yeah I watched it. He gave a shitty childish vibe that he was only there to get wrecked. The shaman told him twice he should ask it to show him using different words that in my opinion meant he needed to do so outloud, not an overlaid sound byte... I dug how at the end he shit him down and told him ... View More
Like May 13, 2022