on April 24, 2022
Thiers a theme behind all these pictures of ancient "God's" and if you can't see it I can't help you because it's as obvious as it gets here.
Everyone by now should know about the bodies energy centers called chakras and the "Serpent Energy" that's called Kundalini or "Spiritual Energy" that travels around your body with every beat of your Heart.
As your mind centers within and blocks out the outside world you can become aware of yourself and begin the process of "Enlightenment" that' could take years of daily meditation and nobody has time for that shxt so Psychonaughts have a cheat code and can use hallucinogens to quickly get a glimpse into a wider / broader spectrum of perception.
Here's what I've found hidden in plain sight and buried in bullshxt misinformation / misleading interpretations.
When people say we're Gods children it's not a lie he did create us. We did not create ourselves or this world or this universe so slow ya pride down .. and these religious books say he created our bodies in his "image" well I can't argue with that either because we are NOT our physical bodies but we are Spiritual Beings having a Human experience.
Now most opened minded people won't argue or disagree with my conclusions so far because they are for most part self evident.
This is where the rabbit hole takes a deep dive into the unknown... Because of my background in western society and it's overwhelming Christian beliefs I will have to use what I know to as a reference only to illustrate what I believe is the fundamental Truth behind it all.
The kliedoscope spun into focus when I heard about the Nag Hammadi Library and the Ancient Gnostics that we're persecuted as heretic's because they revealed the God of the Torah Jehovah / Yahweh is Yaldabaoth.
A jealous angry god that demands Blood sacrifice and obedience. It was he that created the bodies that housed our human souls and demanded that we never tap into our full potential and remain ignorant naked slaves. .
I know the Sumerian text and enough about the Anunakii to know Yaldabaoth is also considered Enlil to the Sumerians or "Lord of the Air" also those Anunakii we're Reptillians
I know it was forbidden for humans to depict them as they truly are but they always should them as either Giants / Having Wings/ Wearing Horned helmets if you want to know what they really look like see the Egyptian God Osiris. You'll notice his elongated skull...That's Them. I included a grey hybrid artist image of a pharaoh because it's deserved to be recognized for it's significance.... All Royalty traces it's inbred bloodlines back to Egyptian Pharaohs.
Not to make this a blog post but a significant realization I'll wrap it up now...
Christians goal in the after life is to be one with God...thier God says nobody can come to him unless he's bathed in his son's innocent tortured blood. If they "accept " the soul cleaning of blood then they are found "worthy" and can be consumed by "God aka Yaldabaoth aka GIANT SNAKE" and have "Eternal Life" aka become his food and be a part of his cosmic body.
I know I'm opening myself up to all kinds of ridicule for exposing we're on a prison planet and we're being farmed. It's like WTF are we supposed to do with that information?
I believe knowing what's happening is half the battle because being aware of these Aliens that claim to be God's is some serious mind fxckery but knowing thier intentions with us as "ignorant hybrid apes" is just pitiful...unless we reach for our own Soul Sovereignty and let go of this world's delusions is our only chance to escape this trap that somehow we agreed to and we believed were strong enough to find our way out no matter how hard the test .
As Always Feel Free to Disagree makes no difference to me this message is for those who are seeing what I've seen and are feeling the influence of extraterrestrial manipulation of our world.
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