on February 22, 2022
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artemisia, nicotiana, atropa belladonna, amanita, papaver somniferum, hyoscyamus niger and datura stramonium, the one with the fat roots i don't know
Like February 23, 2022
@Luke_Skywalker Bottom right looks like Opium poppi, to jump in….
Like February 24, 2022 Edited
Nice thanks! I think you guys are right, those do look like Poppy. The fat roots is mandrake I'm pretty sure.
Like February 24, 2022
I'm still waking every 3 hours for a bottle for baby. I've had that ointment in my fridge for quite some time now. I can send you a link to the etsy page for that flying ointment though if you like? I'm really looking forward to using it, but i still need to be able to wake up for t... View More
Like February 24, 2022