on February 22, 2022
Dimension: 612 x 680
File Size: 287.61 Kb
27 people like this.
Yup. Exactly. And the govt saying that leighlines are just quackery yet they build military bases where the lines intersect?
Like February 24, 2022 Edited
Mothman is real...
Like February 26, 2022
If you've ever stood infront of petroglyphs like these you know... It made me feel so small and so stupid. Because for all the words and letters all my schooling taught me, i couldn't read or discern the picture book a cave man "so much dumber than me" felt so obligated to carve or chisel by hand u... View More
Like February 26, 2022
4 of the 5 look to be a near dead-ringer for what my stick figure drawing ass would draw if you said "What's a Wendigo look like?"
Like February 26, 2022