on January 31, 2022
Grandaddy purp. Purple as fuck
Dimension: 4032 x 3024
File Size: 430.57 Kb
10 people like this.
Joey Green
Buds that actually are representative of their name?? What a concept!! Wouldn't be great if this caught on instead of the silly naming conventions and blatent branding bs that seems so in vogue today as folks attempt to create the latest stoner fad names. I hope those purple nuggets of ganddads e... View More
Like January 31, 2022
It tastes probably better than any GDP ive had so far. It dont show up around here much so i make sure i get a good fill lol. But i agree, definitely some ridiculous names lol. Had some donkey butter the other day and the name made me not want to smoke it. A lot of people here dont want to know the ... View More
Like February 1, 2022