on January 31, 2022
Anyone see Saturday Night Live Katy Perry??. The dancing mc hammer pants mushrooms kill me lol
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Joey, do us all the honor and write a freaking kid’s book already man.
Like January 31, 2022
Joey Green
I would .... but .... What parent in their right mind would buy their kids a book titled "Mr Green's Guide to Entities, Time Warpage, Aliens and Interdimensional Travel Using Ancient Plant Spirits"?? Even if I incorporated cute talking trains and dancing purple dinosaurs! (Which quite honestly woul... View More
Like January 31, 2022
Joey, i totally would if i had kids
Like January 31, 2022
I’ve noticed more and more in the media that this agenda is being pushed it’s almost like a repeat of 20 years ago from pot. Member all the tv push for a pro pot attuide ?????
Like January 31, 2022