on January 8, 2022
Jim De Korne’ s Psychedelic Shamanism provided a psychospiritual model for understanding entheogenic experiences, especially those involving apparent contact with spiritual entities. De Korne describes the entheogenic entities as belonging to the “ Imaginal realm” , but this realm is not merely imaginary, but rather an independent universe, where, as in the Upanishads and Gnosticism, devas or archons are dependent on human consciousness for their sustenance and prepared to resort to subterfuge in order to obtain their nourishment (De Korne, 1994b:48). Hence, for De Korne, knowledge of the workings of the Imaginal realm is of utmost importance if we are to attain any degree of spiritual freedom, and this liberating knowledge is to be gained through entheogens. Temporal concerns such as drug prohibition scarcely attain to relevance against such high soteriological stakes, indeed, the current western anti-drug laws could easily be construed as attempts by archons to keep the human beast in ignorance.
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One of my favorite books on the subject. His explanation of dimensions blew my mind open. Have you read his next book “The Cracking Tower” he explains why he doesnt need entheogens anymore. I havent read it yet.
Like January 8, 2022
Yes it's good, read it when you have time
Like January 8, 2022
its on the list!
Like January 9, 2022
I blew through that book so quickly! Cracking Tower definitely on my list too
Like January 9, 2022