on December 23, 2021
A little gift for myself
Merry christmas to you all
Dimension: 3024 x 4032
File Size: 270.99 Kb
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but you can still buy fresh truffles..
Like December 24, 2021
Yea i know. I think it was due to international pressure because of one or two accidents even though both times alcohol had been involved. But it was easier to blame it on the mushroom. Llike @peyoceps said truffles remained legal. Which also shows the government actually wouldnt have banne... View More
Like December 24, 2021
Capitano Sours
Still cool af that you can buy any of that at a local shop and of course its alcohol and tourists that villifies it ofc but ay still def rad
Like December 24, 2021
This reminds me of the cow pattys I used to bring home from the pastures. I'd let them fruit in a monotub and then put those spores to agar.
Like December 24, 2021