on November 19, 2021
Anyone have any cyanescens liquid culture recipes? I really want to capture this.. Ohhh and Hello Family ..Its been awhile. I needed a break and Im in the process of getting back up and going..I look forward to share more pictures as they come.. Mush Love Everyone
Dimension: 3264 x 2448
File Size: 169.63 Kb
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Thanks ...i was thinking the same ..i just didn't want to mess it up..Im going to try and get 5 syringes from this print and turn one into a Culture
Like November 19, 2021
might be able to help
Like November 19, 2021
Lucky charms
Start them on some cardboard transfer the mycelium to the recipe mentioned
Like November 19, 2021
If you have any peptone on hand addind 1/2 gram to 500ml of lc would help. Good luck
Like November 19, 2021