on November 6, 2021
This the face of the man who has eated his children…. 1.8 ape
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i thought he said they have been torn in half
Like November 8, 2021
LMAO... i had a thick southern accent until i started traveling to foreign countrys. Ive been back home for 10 years now and its still not as bad as it use to be. I say that to say, i have misinterpreted alot of lyrics... but i knew what Layne was saying from day 1.
Like November 8, 2021
Didn't mean to hijack your post with lyrics brother... you're original post brought those first lyrics to mind and we just got carried away with it. Mush love man!
Like November 8, 2021
In reference to your comment about MkUltra'ing yourself I hit the deems once and when i got back I was 100% convinced that my kids were 20 years older and had kids of their own while i was gone
Like November 8, 2021 Edited