on September 13, 2021
Oh how I missed watching that puddle of liquid metal
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Juliet Delta
I just started welding again too!
Like September 13, 2021
I was a Tig hand for about 5 years. Changed professions. Never stopped welding tho. I've got a Miller Dynasty DX 200 at my home shop, and a flatbed chevy with a 250 EFI Bobcat... i never had any loyalty for lincoln. Miller was turning out good equipment when i got out of college so I've used both bu... View More
Like September 14, 2021
Stay safe out there, Juliet! And , that's where I would like to be eventually. Tiggin on some pipe. And likewise with Miller. That's what I learned on and that's where my loyalty will stay!
Like September 14, 2021
When i say "more affordable" please dont misunderstand any of you who haven't explored the depths of the subject matter. At the time i went full tilt for Miller machines they could weld curcles around the "equivalent" Lincoln machines and the cost one average $1k less and more as you stepped higher ... View More
Like September 15, 2021