Fever dream
on August 24, 2021
Dimension: 1242 x 1204
File Size: 388.06 Kb
37 people like this.
OH yeah i almost forgot, dont forget about the this too. This is great for suppressing inflammation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tybOi4hjZFQ&t=69s
Like August 29, 2021
Man... I appreciate your time and the info. I feel like an idiot. I took it for probably a year and it did actually work wonders. I ran out and somehow just forgot to reorder... I feel like a big dummy for neglecting it for this long. My mental health took center stage for a while... n... View More
Like August 29, 2021
Dude looks like im going to be ordering it as well. Carpenter by trade so i feel like a 70 yr old man. Ill wake up at night with my hands feeling like they are on fire. Gonna give it a try
Like August 29, 2021
@Ethan I went through that exact same feeling for YEARS. The only way to seep is flat on the back with the hands folded on my chest. Otherwise i would wake up in SOOO MUCH PAIN. You're gonne be amazed within 3 or 4 days.
Like August 30, 2021