Fever dream
on August 8, 2021
Dimension: 640 x 644
File Size: 116.89 Kb
9 people like this.
Not to brag or anything, but I did take intro to foreign language in 8th grade lol
Like August 8, 2021
Now that you mention it i think he did say that... i haven't seen them movies in a long time. Back then they were good. Now i still love the plot but the special effects seem so cheesey compared to the shit they can do now
Like August 8, 2021
I loved tremors when I was kid. But yeah the special effects are def cheesey in comparison. But I'd hate to see them reboot the original tremors, they would ruin it. Could you imagine, Burt Gummer probably wouldn't be a gun nut, they would change everything until it wasn't really the tremors movie, ... View More
Like August 8, 2021 Edited
Juliet Delta
Burt gummer is my shit
Like August 9, 2021