Fever dream
on July 15, 2021
Dimension: 1242 x 1374
File Size: 263.3 Kb
25 people like this.
That is absolutely true, society - or at least that loud part that gets accepted as it, operates on strange and damaging patterns. And someone who tells all men basically to ask the universe to get fixed, isn't part of a solution in fact that is not how it works. I don't claim a even playfie... View More
Like July 16, 2021
Joey Green
Same here ..... but as a man, sticking up for men ..... Im a whinny bitch that needs to get back to work ..... Women defending women is "strong and independant" behavior .... Look, theres no shortage of double standards in society we all practice both knowingly and unknowingly..... its primal and ... View More
Like July 16, 2021
we all little bitches
Like July 16, 2021