on July 5, 2021
Life is far from perfect for me, and I still have a lot of growing and healing to do, but I am very lucky to be able to walk into the forest and sit and meditate whenever I need to. I’m not always in the best of spirits, but whenever I walk or meditate in the forest, my spirits always seem to get lifted! And I can tap into zazen and nature whenever I need to; so for me, inner peace and contentment may just be a sit or a walk away.
Dimension: 3024 x 4032
File Size: 16 Mb
12 people like this.
What area is this?
Like July 5, 2021
Imma guess NYC
Like July 6, 2021
I believe we are going to be good friends . Keeping walking and just sit! Love on!
Like May 15, 2022