on June 21, 2021
That feeling you get all that hard work pays off and the fruits rewarding ????
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I cooked down a lot .lol this just a hand full
Like June 21, 2021
Bah haha my buddy made a batch of oil, didn't think it was strong enough so did the process again and concentrated the fuck out of it, didn't know how to take it and took a motherfucking teaspoon and called an ambulance on himself because he thought he was having a stroke and dying lol and when he g... View More
Like June 21, 2021
Oryx0184 lmfao its funny when people underestimated it smashes you . Thats a cool story bro.
Like June 21, 2021
You only need a small amount, like a tear drop. We load it into a blank capsule and swallow it.
Like June 21, 2021