on June 18, 2021
In Album: Inspired
Dimension: 960 x 947
File Size: 95.64 Kb
22 people like this.
Welcome to the club, pal. It's all part of the journey it seems.
Like June 18, 2021
It seems like it's been an extra long season of bullshit. I've definitely been struggling to find my sense of peace and humor, and to realign my vibe with what I want vs where I'm at. Standing with you all in spiritual solidarity for higher vibes and better times.
Like June 18, 2021
LUCK= Labor Under Correct Knowledge ,,,,,,,,,, you are what you think, forget all the aloof stuff. just follow the formula to luck YOU ARE WHAT YOU THINK
Like June 18, 2021
, it will get better. the new moon shall bring better energy and positive thoughts will have you back on top of your game. the moon has a very powerful pull on us. it controls the tides in the oceans and all other bodies of water. the human body is like70% water thus the moon controls us... View More
Like June 18, 2021