Fever dream
on June 17, 2021
Dimension: 1242 x 1364
File Size: 242.59 Kb
30 people like this.
Jo smith
nuntasho it's truly amazing. I've only had one experience tripping in the rain and it was like a beautiful dream.
Like June 17, 2021
The most blissful beautiful moment I've ever had was when it was raining but the sun was still shining bright as can be made the rain twinkle and added such a shine to the world as I was seeing it and it was warm rain not cold so it was really beyond the words I just expressed and honestly can't be ... View More
Like June 18, 2021
I want to be on acid and yell at the moon naked Fantastic
Like June 19, 2021
To me, that is self care. Many blessings
Like June 20, 2021