on June 8, 2021
Thanks for the hookup. Let’s see what these are like.. might end up replacing the top 2 holes with something else but then again I’ve used medium stuffed poly in all 6 holes and got great flushes.. for now I’ll keep it like this.
Dimension: 1200 x 1600
File Size: 180.71 Kb
9 people like this.
Reel, the answer to ur issue with this design is ur substrate is to dry when u mix it with your spawn. Ive grown in this design twice now. First time. Got 7 flushes. No misting or fanning. Imma post a few pictures in a little bit of my second tub for you guys. Little different design but still ... View More
Like June 20, 2021
Mine have only stalled out in the jar when using a micron syringe filter, noy with tubs yet. I keep mine in a martha so they dont dry out
Like June 22, 2021
Keep it simple…clean…always work cultures on agar….have never seen anything stall in years
Like June 23, 2021
Are those just little hepa discs?
Like June 23, 2021