on May 31, 2021
Was able to buy a nice (kinda new) my own name! This is a big deal to me. I’m 32 and just now got my drivers permit,, soon I’ll take the actual drivers test. (When I was 16 I stole a detectives truck and his guns, long story short, they took my ability to drive since I never paid the restitution) I finally got everything taken care of and I’m no longer asking for rides or dope fiend rentals or Uber bs.. As long as we’re always doing the next right thing everything else will fall into place. Riding with my best friend today!!
Mush luv all
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Aiiii nice man
Like June 1, 2021
i had a very nicly done reply about time, interest and depreciation. Remember the guidline is for only when debt free kind of thing. But the app crashed. Lol mush luv.
Like June 1, 2021
Soapy i just like the act of smoking.. I don’t really get into edibles or drinkables LOL I’m old fashioned like that. Momdukes loves that stuff tho. I make gummy‘s and drinks for her all the time
Like June 2, 2021
First thing the guy does when he gets his license back is take his new car and go buy drugs................ hahahahaha1f602.png1f604.png1f605.png1f606.png1f602.png1f604.png1f605.png hahahahaha I fucking love you You're fucking great!1f606.png1f606.png1f606.png1f606.png
Like June 3, 2021