on May 18, 2021
Some interesting and promising agar
Dimension: 3120 x 4160
File Size: 2.54 Mb
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Just in case there’s some form of bacteria on the wall of the cup it’s good to xfr before but that’s my own idea the real reason we xfr before it touches the side is because when it touches the sides it has ran out of food so when mycelium runs out of food it’s next phase is fruiting. So say the myc... View More
Like May 21, 2021
We xfr before it touches the sides to keep its momentum going. Myc shoukdnt run out of food until it’s in a monotub. Keep it eating all the way up til it’s time to produce mushrooms
Like May 21, 2021
I never thought about contam being on the sides of the cup. Thanks !
Like May 22, 2021
thanks for the info!
Like May 22, 2021