on April 22, 2021
Is it common for psychonauts to end up alone?
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I believe we are all connected, that none of us are truly alone.
Like April 22, 2021
We had a thread about it a few days ago. There definitely seems to be a correlation
Like April 22, 2021
You will find them. Or they will find you. I stopped trying to find a partner last year. Just had a girl walk into my life like it was planned. It will happen in time. But yes being a psychonaut has definitely lowered my chances with a good number of people. But that works in our favor in some ways.... View More
Like April 22, 2021
Me and my partner love being alone together. Also we are very selective on who we give time to. Mainly it is us just being with family so I totally get this post.
Like April 22, 2021