on April 16, 2021
Attack of the mel mac
Dimension: 3024 x 4032
File Size: 2.81 Mb
56 people like this.
Joey Green
Mels can be incredibly variable in appearance, size and effects..... this is why its my fav cube. I hope you clone that! Oddly enough ...... My biggest mel fruits always either come from smaller sized tubs and/or from spent substrate buried outside in small patches. This is either due to my methodo... View More
Like April 18, 2021
could it be from the ladt ditch effort of survival that they produce in this manner(the last of the flushes?)
Like April 18, 2021
Joey Green
Could be Mycotyk547 .... especially with the spent sub outdoors..... but such things are hard to quantify easily. Could be just my environment, methods and conditions ..... or even by misperception and the human tendency to link correlation/causation When you start noticing/looking for patterns har... View More
Like April 19, 2021
Interesting, you think cause and effect is a human tendency and not based on anything beyond our perception? Does not perception perceive that which is in its purest form true with or without us? or that could be the misperception? that there is a truth at all? Hmmmmnnn!!!
Like April 19, 2021