Hey DW family! Fall 2020 I was approached by the amazing people of @portiersupplies with a consulting opportunity to be apart of something amazing! It's a project they've been working on to bring back some ceremony to Psychedelics. I couldn't be happier to have had the opportunity to be apart of something so amazing and I hope I can continue to do even more in the Psychedelic community!!That being said I'm happy to share with youThe Portal Box!!! An absolutely beautiful hand crafted wooden box(yes it even locks) containing an array of items important to your journey. Such as an informational journal(with room to write), scale, glass vials for storage, a nifty metal scoop and more! But ill leave somethings for you guys to read about. If your interested it drops this summer! Pre-orders are still going on so head over https://www.portiersupplies.com and have a look around see what they're all about, I think you'll like it. Mush love and happy journeys everyone❤.
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